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Afscme Illinois State Employees Contract

Aug 22 2023

AFSCME Illinois State Employees Contract: Understanding the Agreement Between the Union and the State

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31 is the largest union representing Illinois state employees. AFSCME members work in a wide range of public service jobs, including healthcare, social services, corrections, transportation, and more. The union negotiates collective bargaining agreements with the state of Illinois to set wages, benefits, and working conditions for its members.

The most recent AFSCME Illinois state employees contract, known as the 2017-2019 collective bargaining agreement, was ratified in September 2018 after two years of negotiations and a historic 3-year-long deadlock. The agreement covers approximately 35,000 state employees in 34 bargaining units, including office and clerical staff, child welfare specialists, nurses, and corrections officers.

The AFSCME Illinois state employees contract includes several key provisions that affect the working lives of state employees. One of the most significant is the wage increase. The agreement provides for a 2% raise in 2018, followed by a 2.5% raise in 2019. This salary increase is the first in several years for many state employees, who have faced stagnant wages and budget cuts in recent years.

The contract also includes provisions for better healthcare coverage for state employees. It includes a reduction in the cost of premiums for members of the AFSCME health plan, as well as improved prescription drug benefits. These changes will help state employees better afford the care they need and ensure that they can continue to provide critical public services.

Another significant provision of the AFSCME Illinois state employees contract is the protection of seniority rights. The contract provides that layoffs and job transfers will be based on seniority, rather than the whims of management. This ensures that employees are treated fairly and that their years of service are valued and respected.

The agreement also includes provisions for improved safety and working conditions for state employees. For example, it requires the state to provide sufficient staffing levels and equipment for corrections officers to ensure their safety. It also includes language requiring the state to provide regular training and updates on safety procedures to help reduce the risk of injury on the job.

In addition to these provisions, the AFSCME Illinois state employees contract also includes language protecting workers’ rights to organize and negotiate with management. It provides for grievance procedures and arbitration in cases of disputes between members and management, ensuring that employees have a voice in their workplaces.

Overall, the AFSCME Illinois state employees contract is an important agreement that sets the terms and conditions of employment for thousands of workers across the state. It provides for better wages, benefits, and working conditions for state employees, as well as important protections for their rights on the job. As the largest union representing Illinois state employees, AFSCME Council 31 plays a critical role in negotiating these agreements, and its members have much to gain from their involvement in the process.